The majority of seniors can reap great benefits from engaging in different art forms, and some may improve their quality of life through doing art therapy. Taking part in artistic activities and engaging in therapeutic processes with art are both valuable but in unique ways.
Art projects can create a sense of accomplishment and purpose. They can provide the person with dementia an opportunity for self-expression. As patients bypass language barriers, they are able to express themselves through their artwork. Just like music, art appears to influence a number of neural regions and when art therapy is introduced, it’s as if patients can reroute communication pathways. In turn, they are able to once again, interact with the world around them.
Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia can strip an individual of their identity and lust for life, but with art therapy, patients are able to achieve a unique sense of accomplishment — and that in itself, is extremely powerful. Of course, this therapy will not reverse the effects of one’s condition, but it can significantly improve quality of life.
Reduced agitation
Increased positive emotional responses
Functional improvements
Potential weight gain
Increased mobility
Increased food intake
Improvements in verbal fluency
Improved mood and attention
Aid in relaxation, anxiety, and depression
Give feelings of control
Improve communication and socialization
Encourage humor and playfulness
Improve cognition
Offers sensory stimulation
Foster a strong sense of identity
Bolster self-esteem
Arts & Crafts